Elections Are Coming! What Questions Will You Ask?

May 2nd will usher in a round of local elections across the country. Sooner or later there will also be a general election.

If a candidate comes knocking at your door, or catches you in the street, do you have questions ready to ask them?  Will you be able to pin them down and get answers that make some kind of sense?

Women from the Milton Keynes Fawcett Group have been thinking and talking about these issues and putting some ideas together. How can Milton Keynes become a better place for women to live and work? How can the wellbeing of the whole population be improved by making our city safer, healthier and fairer? And of course, these ideas and questions are not restricted to MK – they can broadly apply to any setting, large or small, village, town or city.

Here are our thoughts. We’ll be putting them together in the form of a manifesto. It’s a work in progress and we are showing it here in a shorter format before the upcoming local elections. More detailed flyers and posters will be ready for the general election when we look forward to campaigning and talking about how, by making our city safer, healthier and fairer for women, the wellbeing of the whole population can flourish.

We’d love to hear your feedback. Do please email us at miltonkeynesfawcettgroup@gmail.com

For the benefit of all in this election year, Milton Keynes Fawcett Group are calling for:


A Safer Milton Keynes

Where women’s safety - in person and online - is at the centre of policies and plans, this will improve the lives of whole families and bring social and economic benefits to our population.  

Are you concerned about your own or someone else’s safety at home, outside or online?

Do you worry that the police are slow in responding to threats and incidents of violence?

Do you want to empower the men and boys in your lives to challenge male violence against women and girls?

If so, then ask your candidates how they will……

    • work to prevent misogyny, abuse and violence against women and girls
    • develop services to support victims and survivors
    • consult with women of all ages and ethnicities in developing a city plan for the future 
    • regularly monitor progress towards making Milton Keynes a safer place to live.

A Healthier Milton Keynes

Where women’s voices are heard and their health needs are properly attended to, this will benefit the overall health of families and maximise women’s contribution to our communities.

Do you worry about the health and well-being of yourself and your family?

Do you find it difficult to get timely treatment from your GP?

Are you concerned about the state of your mental health or that of someone you love? 

If so, then ask your candidates how they will…

    • promote exercise and healthy eating options, accessible to people on low incomes
    • remove barriers in access to medical advice and treatment
    • protect and expand mental health provision
    • involve local women in health-related planning, especially in developing the new MK Women’s and Children’s Hospital as promised by 2030
    • regularly monitor progress towards making Milton Keynes a healthier place to live.

A Fairer Milton Keynes

Where our elected representatives reflect the population of the city, it is more likely that the economic and social wellbeing of everyone will be addressed.

Do you want better access to public services?

Do you want equal pay for equal work?

Do you want elected representatives who can really understand your situation and represent your interests?

If so, then ask your candidates how they will…

    • reflect the diverse population of our city and ensure that women’s voices are heard
    • develop more affordable and responsive public services
    • address the gender pay gap across all types of employment
    • regularly monitor progress towards making Milton Keynes a fairer place to live.

Milton Keynes Fawcett is part of a national movement that campaigns for gender equality. We believe that a place where gender equality is central in plans, policies and strategies, is better for everyone.

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