
Showing posts with the label #WomenWinElections

'Someone Struggled For Your Right To Vote. Use It'

  The struggle The few terse words above are from Susan B Antony (1820-1906), the American social reformer and women’s rights activist. She worked tirelessly, travelling miles, organising petitions, giving speeches, and promoting women’s suffrage. Her name may not be as familiar to us as those of the Pankhursts and Millicent Fawcett, but her words here are crisp and accurate. Women’s struggle for voting rights took years and years, with abuse, pain and hardship along the way. The fight for suffrage has been well documented, and it’s unusual to find anyone who has not heard about the suffragetttes. So one might think that a decision NOT to vote should be unthinkable. But millions of people who are eligible to vote in the GE on July 4th will not be putting pencil to ballot paper. People may decide not to vote because of apathy, disillusionment, anger or despair - all these may play a part, and there is much to be explored to understand the current sense of malaise that some people feel.

Campaigning With Courage

Justice Denied This month’s blog should probably be focusing on the General Election that has just been announced. After all, there are only a few weeks to go until July 4th. Not quite yet though. Soon we’ll be inundated with the vox-pops, the polls, the debates and the party-political broadcasts. But before the party campaigners with their rosettes, leaflets, banners, buses and megaphones get underway, there’s some unfinished business. Let’s take a look at some different campaigners, remarkable women and men who deserve our total admiration. We’ve seen a lot of these campaigners recently. As the dismal and squalid procession of scandals and cover-ups has grown larger, we’ve become aware of people who have devoted years of their lives to exposing terrible wrongs. People who have been denied justice, who have lost their livelihoods and whose families have been devastated. People who, in spite of experiencing terrible personal trauma, have found the courage and resilience to speak out a