What is happening in Iran is the frontline of feminism right now: the simple expression of desire for equality, for dignity, for life without fear. And as such, it touches us all. Say it with me: Woman. Life. Freedom Kamin Mohammadi COURAGE Since mid-September when Mahsa Amini was arrested and killed, waves of protest have continued throughout Iran, with few signs of slowing down. In their passionate call for change, schoolgirls and young women are being joined by young men and groups of workers. ‘Get lost, Raisi’ they have shouted at their president (a man recently seen shaking hands with the great and the good at the UN summit). Their extraordinary courage is something we can only aspire to. What has it been like to live, knowing that the morality police, directed by a violent authoritarian state, might arrest you for wearing nail varnish? To be aware that a few strands of hair escaping from your hijab can bring about a beating, or worse? What must it be like now, ...