Zooming through the Pandemic
It came as a bit of a shock at our recent Fawcett group meeting when we realised that we hadn’t had a face to face meeting for two years. Several new members, a few large cats and one or two inquisitive toddlers have all joined us on screen during our Zoom sessions, where we’ve admired hairstyles, woolly jumpers, coffee mugs and levels of dexterity with the chat button. But now, the possibility of meeting full sized human beings again is a real treat to look forward to.
However, as we make our plans to move back into the three
dimensional world, it’s quite satisfying to see how much we’ve managed to achieve
through those fuzzy screens and ‘you’re on mute’ moments. Obstacles, including serious
illness, home schooling, house moves, massive workloads and dodgy internet
connections, have all conspired to get in our way, but persistence and
bloody-mindedness have paid off.
Here’s a quick roundup of our actions last year.
In March, fuelled by optimism and nervous energy, but calmly steered by our technical wizard colleagues, we successfully co-hosted an online festival to mark International Women’s Day. The discussions, films and activities attracted over three hundred viewings and lots of enthusiastic feedback.
Our interest in parish councils and our support for White Ribbon Day came together perfectly in our November letter writing campaign. We wrote to every Parish Councillor and asked what steps they were taking to address issues of violence against women in their area. We understand that at least one parish has now achieved White Ribbon accreditation and others are interested, but we are still persisting and seeking action across the whole of Milton Keynes.
Conversations with Milton Keynes Council and an opportunity for us to speak to the Independent Review Panel on Member Allowances, have helped to influence the council’s recent decision to adopt a Parental Leave policy for councillors.
And if all that is sounding a bit serious and sober, we also
managed some cheery online social events, and even the occasional mini catch-up on a march or at
a vigil, in a pub or a café, or on a visit to the Milton Keynes Gallery to catch
the superb Laura Knight exhibition.
And this is what we’re beginning to plan for 2022
We are not letting Parish Councils off the hook yet, as we’ll be writing again to councillors and asking what progress has been made since November. We’ll scrutinise the local elections in May and continue to engage with the council about the representation of women at all levels.
We’ll promote International Women’s Day and be involved in planning and supporting activities.
We’ll keep working to establish the women’s partnership (VOWMK) and create opportunities for woman’s voices to be heard.
We’ll support the Fawcett Smashing Stereotypes and other campaigns.
We’ll utilise a range of social media to get our voices heard.
But, of course, the best laid plans……..
Now, having outlined these plans, there’s every chance that we will also be diverted into responding to something new and urgent. The world is so volatile that we must try to be as flexible and adaptable as possible.miltonkeynesfawcettgroup@gmail.com
We’d love to hear from you.