Putting Women and Girls front and centre in the COVID Response

Gender equality in Milton Keynes? We think it’s time to turn up the volume on the conversation, promote the issues and work for system change. We thought you might like to hear about a new partnership approach.

Women’s groups in Milton Keynes have been increasingly concerned about the fragile and fragmented nature of available support for specialist services.  The pandemic has now impacted heavily on all women, highlighting disadvantage and exclusion and putting those at risk of violence in even greater danger. A strong infrastructure is needed to provide a safety net where no one is lost.

Back in January 2020, several women’s groups worked in partnership at a conference which included survivors of assault and abuse. We heard accounts of women being passed across different services and of being immersed in a male dominated justice system. The need for an infrastructure was clear, and following on from the conference a working group, facilitated by Community Action:MK, has begun to consider innovative ways forward.

This collective of organisations, including MKAct, Rape Crisis, MK & Aylesbury Vale Sexual Assault and Abuse Service, MK Fawcett Group and MK Soroptimists has gathered under the working title of WAGIP – Women and Girls in Partnership, supported by Community Action MK. We are now reaching out to friends, allies and partners to tell you about progress so far and to ask you to join the conversation.

Accelerating gender equality in MK is at the heart of our vision. We want to enable women and girls to live their best life. Our most recent action has been to submit a funding application to begin the work to achieve the necessary system change. We will know at the end of November if we have been chosen to progress to the next stage of the bidding process.

We are ambitious and committed to moving away from the ‘silo’ thinking that we see in current strategy development. We are keen to develop an infrastructure where women’s voices can be centre stage. A Partnership Development Officer, funded to work through action research methods, would prepare a COVID Recovery Plan embracing all backgrounds and protected characteristics.

Female participation is not equitable in MK, and women are less visible in strategic decision making.

You may already have participated in one of the online workshops of June 2020. Here, discussion centred around the ‘Rethinking Equality’*paper produced by the MK Fawcett Group, where the inadequacy of Equality Impact Assessments, use of homogenised data sets, gender imbalance in local politics and the marginalisation of the VCS in strategic planning, were all scrutinised. Participants discussed how disabled, refugee, BAME, LGBTQ+ females were disproportionately disadvantaged. COVID-19 has amplified this, making it crucial for crisis proof structures to be embedded if gender justice is to be achieved.

WAGIP is in its infancy, but the ideas are exciting, the work is beginning, and the conversations are taking place. We wanted to make you aware of our ideas, but also to ask you to talk about these issues within your networks and to give us your thoughts and ideas about gender equality in Milton Keynes


miltonkeynesfawcettgroup@gmail.com  /  @fawcett_mk  /  Instagram:    fawcettmk 


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