Wear a White Ribbon on 25th November

What? Not another one! November 25th. Another date to remember. Another ‘awareness day’. So, why should you bother with this one? It’s a month before Christmas, and you’re probably thinking that you’ve got better things to do at this time of year. ‘For heaven’s sake’, you’re muttering to yourself, ‘can’t we have at least one day in the year without some kind of celebration, commemoration or appeal. And all these ribbons? Why?’ Look at them – pink for breast cancer, green for mental health, purple for LGBTQIA+Youth, even black for the anniversary of the fateful Molotov Ribbentrop Pact, and blue (which is proving to be a bit controversial for the police at the moment). Not to mention all those songs - like the Harry Belafonte weepie about scarlet ribbons, and that 1973 hit urging you to ‘tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree’. Surely we’re all ribboned out by now? And the days, the days – many of these of course are deeply embedded in our brains, whether we celebrate them or n...