Hope and Action

2022 Early September At the beginning of this month there was a palpable air of panic. Headlines on energy prices and the cost of living competed with the news of catastrophic floods in Pakistan and the war in Ukraine. In Britain politicians were tearing pieces out of each other in a leadership election, Parliament wasn’t functioning, the heatwave had caused havoc with the harvest, there were multiple strikes and civil liberties were at risk. Mid September And now? For some days the country has been on hold. Immaculate organisation, solemn ceremony, gleaming uniforms and medieval language are on screens everywhere. The backdrop to our lives has changed. People are classified as ‘mourners’ and ‘well-wishers . Their opinions are channelled through a respectful media, punctuated occasionally by moments of protest.There are sombre speeches about duty, heavy responsibility and service. How do we navigate this? Everything has changed and nothing has changed. After the ceremony, the mo...